The first World Congress on Targeting Liver 2014 was a Huge Success


 Dear Colleagues,

It was a great pleasure to meet you for the First World Conference on Targeting Liver Diseases: Sciences, Clinical Innovation & Biotechnology which was held in Jerusalem last June 26-27, 2014.

Targeting Liver 2014 was co-organized by the Israeli Association for the Study of Liver, ISANH and Targeting Mitochondria Task Force Group. During Targeting Liver 2014, we initiated new channels and fields such as Microbiota, Stem Cells, Mitochondria and wave them to liver homeostasis and pathologies.

A large time was allocated to innovations and biotechnologies in the world of liver. Numerous pharmaceutical companies, start ups, academic and scientific teams presented their innovations, devices to evaluate liver functions, new biomarkers, stem cells modulations, drugs in development for combating, preventing and curing liver diseases and liver related conditions.

52 presentations: Orals and Posters

More than 52 oral presentations were presented during two days of conference. The discussion was rich. The scientific committee published an abstracks book gathering all presentations of the conference.

The proceeding of the meeting will be published in an international journal next October.

Pr. Edeas and Pr. Safaadi decided to renew Targeting Liver Meeting. The 2015 edition will be announced soon.

We would like to thank all participants, supporters and sponcors in particular Bristol-Myers Squibb and Janssen.

We look forward to meet you next year.

Prof. Marvin Edeas
Chairman of Targeting Mitochondria
Task Force Group ....................................

Prof. Rifaat Safadi
Chairman of Local Organizing Committee

Edeas Safadi